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1.Screw-typetension-pressure force sensor | | Plug-in force sensor features andapplications:Externalthreaded push-pull force sensor can be configured with signal amplifier,display instrument, digital weighing controller for PLC data acquisition. Itcan be customized according to requirements.
Main features :
(1) small size, tension andpressure twoway force measurement; (2) stainless steel material, surfacepolishing oxidation layer, corrosion resistance, long service life under normalconditions; (3) high accuracy and good repeatability of products of the sametype; (4) it can be customized according to requirements.
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK201
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK202
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK203
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK205
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK206
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK404
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK406
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK407
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK302
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK303
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK306
Tension pressure s...
Product number:SK307